The members of the collective of Moroccan students in Ukraine have been invited to a meeting, which will be held during this week, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education. Purpose of this meeting in Rabat: to discuss their university reintegration.
A few days before the examinations for integration into the national education system of Moroccan students repatriated from Ukraine, the members of the group representing them were invited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, in order to establish a dialogue. The secretary general and the deans of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy will be present at this meeting. Purpose of this summit meeting: to discuss the modalities and content of the tests that these students must pass after Eid, as well as the solutions to facilitate their pursuit of their studies in Ukraine.
Several students had challenged the first option proposed by the Minister, which consists of integrating students returning from Ukraine, if they pass the competitive examination, in the year preceding their level, with an adaptation of the educational programs, since It is, according to them, “a second option, given that the Ministry of Higher Education considers the current academic year to be a blank year”.