FM Nasser Bourita Sheds Light on Royal Vision Relating to African Cooperation in Counter Terrorism

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, highlighted the Royal Vision…

Liberia Reiterates Support For Morocco’s Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, Sara Beysolow Nyanti, reaffirmed, on June…

FM Nasser Bourita Holds Talks With Chinese Counterpart

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, held talks on May…

Morocco, Reliable Partner for Africa’s Development (Nancy Tembo)

Malawian Foreign Minister Nancy Tembo stated that African countries must learn from Morocco’s progress in different…

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Commends Sustained Efforts of HM King Mohammed VI in Defense of Al-Quds

The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union commended the sustained efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of…

Senegal FM Hails Strong Commitment of HM King Mohammed VI to Africa’s Stability, Development

The Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal, Yassine Fall, expressed,…

Moroccan Sahara: Senegal Reiterates Constant, Firm Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

Senegal’s Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Yassine Fall, reaffirmed her country’s “constant and firm”…

Spanish Daily La Razon Commends Morocco’s “Sincere Commitment” to Africa

The Spanish daily La Razon highlighted Morocco’s “leadership” and “sincere commitment” to the development of Africa.…

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union: Morocco Reiterates Support for Palestinian Cause

The Moroccan delegation taking part in the 36th Congress of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union reiterated, on…

Morocco, “Very Important” Partner for Finland, EU (Finnish Parliament Speaker)

The Speaker of the Finnish Parliament, Jussi Halla-aho, stressed the importance of the partnership with Morocco…

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