ASEAN: Morocco Obtains Sectoral Dialogue Partner Status

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates announced in a press release that the Foreign Ministers of the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), who met on September 4 in Jakarta, have granted Morocco the status of “Sectoral Dialogue Partner”. 

The Moroccan ministry stressed that with this decision, Morocco became the first North African country to obtain this status, which strengthens the Kingdom’s position as a privileged interlocutor of this highly important geopolitical and economic grouping.

The press release also underlined that Morocco’s gain of the “Sectoral Dialogue Partner” status testifies to the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, to diversify partnerships and open up to new geopolitical prospects, adding that it is a recognition by this grouping of Morocco’s role, under the Sovereign’s leadership, as a pole of stability in Africa and the Arab world, and reflects the dynamic nature of the partnerships between Morocco and Southeast Asian countries.

The press release concluded that the agreement in principle to grant Morocco the “Sectoral Dialogue Partner” status was announced at the 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, held on July 11 and 12 in Jakarta.

The “Sectoral Dialogue Partner” status was also granted to South Africa and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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