Middle East: US Secretary of State Praises HM King Mohammed VI’s Commitment to Promoting Peace

The United States, through its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, praised on October 12, His Majesty…

Moroccan Sahara: UNGA Fourth Committee Adopts Resolution in Support of Political Process under UN Aegis

The Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted, on October 11, a resolution…

Moroccan Sahara: Ambassador Omar Hilale Deconstructs Founding Lies of Algeria’s Separatist Agenda

Morocco’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Omar Hilale, deconstructed on October 11,…

Moroccan Sahara: Kiribati Considers Moroccan Autonomy Plan the Peaceful Path to Resolving Regional Dispute

The Republic of Kiribati stated, on October 10 in New York, that the Moroccan Autonomy Plan…

Gaza Strip: FM Nasser Bourita Stresses HM King Mohammed VI’s Constant Calls for Peace

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, stressed, on October 11…

Human Rights: Ambassador Omar Zniber Denounces Militarization of Tindouf Camps, Refusal to Consensus Sequestered Populations

Morocco’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), Omar Zniber, stressed,…

Central African Republic Praises Development Dynamic in Moroccan Sahara

The Central African Republic (CAR) praised the dynamic socio-economic development of the Moroccan Sahara, thanks to…

The Gambia Reaffirms Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan

The Gambia reaffirmed its firm support for the Moroccan Autonomy Plan in the Sahara, as well…

Kuwait Reiterates Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

Kuwait reaffirmed, on October 10 in New York, its support for the Moroccan Autonomy Plan aimed…

UAE Reaffirms Unwavering Position in Support of Morocco’s Sovereignty over Sahara

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Representative to the Fourth Committee reaffirmed its unwavering position in support…

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