GITEX Africa Morocco: Second Edition Kicks Off in Marrakech

The second edition of Gitex Africa Morocco kicked off on May 29 in Marrakech, with the participation of more than 1,500 exhibitors from more than 130 countries.

The opening ceremony of this event, placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, was marked by the presence of the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, several governmental officials, and other eminent personalities.

Initiated by Kaoun International, the international subsidiary of the Dubai World Trade Centre, and supported by the Digital Development Agency (ADD), under the supervision of the Moroccan Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, this event constitutes a platform for participants to share their knowledge and expertise on the latest developments in Tech in several fields, including Artificial intelligence, health and cybersecurity.

This year’s edition will also be marked by the organization of “World Future Health Africa”, an event dedicated to the latest innovations in the field of health.

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