New Delhi: Morocco Named Most Vibrant Destination (TravelJingles)

Morocco was named the world’s most vibrant destination during the 2024 Diplomatic Travel Awards ceremony held on June 2 in New Delhi at the initiative of the Indian travel magazine “TravelJingles”.

The award was presented to Morocco’s Ambassador to India, Mohamed Maliki, in recognition of the Kingdom’s rich heritage, captivating splendor, and vibrant culture.

On this occasion, Ambassador Maliki commended the solid relations uniting Morocco and India, noting that this international recognition demonstrates the Kingdom’s sustained efforts to consolidate its position as a leading tourist destination.

In the same context, the Moroccan official shed light on the growing interest in Morocco among Indian travelers, attracted by its cultural diversity, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality, recalling the recent initiatives implemented to facilitate the travel of Indian nationals, namely the introduction of the e-visa and the opening of an office of the Moroccan National Tourism Office (ONMT) in Delhi in 2023.

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