Advisor to Palestinian Presidency: Israeli Distinction to Azoulay, a Recognition of Peace Efforts under Leadership of HM King Mohammed VI

Advisor to the Palestinian Presidency, Hussein Agha, emphasized that the Presidential Medal of Honor awarded by the Israeli President Isaac Herzog to His Majesty the King’s Advisor, André Azoulay, is a testament to Morocco’s efforts under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of al-Quds Committee, to promote peace in the region and His Majesty’s firm commitment to the two-state solution as the basis for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Agha stressed that Azoulay has a long and honorable record of service to achieving peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and between Arabs and Jews in general, as part of Morocco’s unwavering position in this area.

“Azoulay belongs to the same school of thought as Shimon Peres and other illustrious figures who advocated the emergence of a new Middle East, in which religious and racial communities can coexist in complete security,” added the Palestinian official, pointing out that His Majesty the King’s advisor firmly believes in and fervently defends the two-state solution.

The Palestinian official also recalled the role played by the late His Majesty King Hassan II in seeking channels of contact and communication between Arabs and Israelis, stressing that the late Sovereign was at the forefront of leaders advocating political dialogue to achieve just and comprehensive peace in the region.

In this regard, the advisor to the Palestinian Presidency underlined that His Majesty King Mohammed VI is equally wise in continuing to play this role in relaunching the peace process based on the two-state solution and coexistence in peace and security.

On July 2, Israeli President Isaac Herzog awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s Advisor, André Azoulay, who is renowned for his landmark commitment to peace between Israelis and Palestinians and to a two-state solution where sovereignty, dignity, and justice are equally important to both peoples.

Previous recipients of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor include American Presidents Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama and several eminent figures such as Henry Kissinger and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel.

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