Arab Food Security Conference: UAC President Highlights Morocco’s Progress in Agriculture

President of the Union of Arab Chambers (UAC), Sameer Abdulla Nass, stressed on October 2 in Marrakech that Morocco has made significant progress in agriculture and in diversifying production in this strategic sector. 

At the opening of the conference on Arab Food Security, held under the theme “Agri-food Industries and their Role in Achieving Food Security”, Abdulla Nass stated that “Morocco is a forerunner, having made great strides in the agricultural and agri-food sector compared with other Arab countries,” calling on Arab countries to follow Morocco’s footsteps towards achieving strategic complementarity in the field of food security.

The official emphasized Morocco’s importance as a logistics hub for industrialization and exports at both the Arab and global levels, highlighting the economic and development “renaissance” that the Kingdom is witnessing.

Abdullah Nass also stressed that the issue of food security is highly topical in light of the challenges that have negatively impacted Arab countries, particularly in light of the Russia-Ukraine war, the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate disruption, which have led to a deterioration in global food security levels.

“The latest statistics indicate that over 868 million people still lack sufficient food, while 25 countries worldwide are considered to be in a deteriorated and extremely dangerous situation,” explained the official. 

Abdullah Nass added that in light of this reality, Arab countries are urged to rapidly address this crisis through the achievement of food security in its different aspects and components in the short and long terms, by diversifying sources of supply of goods and foodstuffs, providing strategic stocks in the event of crises, supporting renewed investment in the agricultural sector, and providing support for scientific research in this sector.

UAC President called for the strengthening of joint Arab coordination to develop an integrated food security strategy under the aegis of the Arab League (AL), and establish an Arab food basket benefiting from an abundance of agriculture, water, and soil, facilitate logistical procedures and rapid inter-Arab food transport, boost Arab agricultural investment, and develop production and storage capacities in countries with the agricultural capacity to achieve the expected food security.

Abdullah Nass also called for the inclusion of food security in security strategies as one of the components of Arab security to support scientific research in the field of food production.

Organized under the High Royal Patronage by the Federation of Moroccan Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Services and the Union of Arab Chambers (UAC), the Arab Food Security Conference event brings together researchers and experts from the Arab world to discuss vital issues relating to food security in Arab countries.

The conference is an opportunity to compare and analyze best practices and explore the different layers of expertise in Arab countries.

An exhibition, organized in parallel with the conference, will enable exhibitors to showcase their various innovations and achievements in this field.

Discussions during this two-day event focuses on five major themes, namely “Arab Food Security (Dimensions, Challenges, and Opportunities)”, “Arab Food Security (Current Situation and Prospects)”, “Leadership, Innovation, and Financing for Sustainable Agriculture”, “Food Security and the Food Industry”, and “the Role of Smart and Green Technologies in Agriculture and the Food Industry”.

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