Arab League: FM Nasser Bourita Inaugurates Exhibition on Bayt Mal Al Quds Asharif Agency

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, inaugurated, on September 6 at the Arab League (AL) headquarters in Cairo, an exhibition retracing twenty five25 years of action by Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency in the service of the Holy City and its inhabitants.

The exhibition’s opening ceremony was attended by the Arab League’s  (AL) Secretary General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyad Al-Maliki, and several other diplomats.

The organization of this event is in line with the Agency’s mission, which is to support vital social sectors in Al-Quds, its inhabitants, and institutions, per the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in His capacity as Chairman of Al-Quds Committee, especially since the Palestinian cause is one of the priority issues to be discussed by Arab foreign ministers at the 160th session of the Arab League (AL) Council, chaired by Morocco.

This exhibition sheds light on the pragmatic approach of His Majesty the King, which combines the political aspect, through the considerable efforts of Moroccan diplomacy to support the Palestinian cause on all fronts, and the social aspect, through the fundamental role played by Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency Asharif in supporting the Holy City and the Maqdessis, under the Sovereign’s direct supervision.

The exhibition includes a section dedicated to the key dates in the history of Al-Quds Committee, and another on Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency’s 25 years of action, featuring pictures and data on completed projects (200 major projects and dozens of small and medium-sized projects amounting to $64 million).

The third part of the exhibition features the Agency’s publications on Al-Quds, its religious and civilizational value, and the historical attachment of Moroccans to this holy city, while another part is devoted to exhibiting the products of partner associations and institutions in Al-Quds. This part, which showcases Palestinian arts and culture, features a variety of handicrafts from Al-Quds, including traditional outfits, textiles, jewelry, woodwork, ceramics, decorative items, and other creations by Palestinian craftsmen.

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