AU PSC: Morocco Calls for Support of Transition Processes in Gabon, Niger

Morocco called on the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) to support peace, security, and development efforts in Gabon and Niger, to ensure successful transition processes in these brotherly countries.

Intervening at a videoconference of a PSC meeting that took place on October 23 in Addis Ababa on the situation in Gabon and Niger, Morocco’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mohamed Arrouchi, stressed that the Kingdom closely follows developments in Gabon, emphasizing the importance of preserving stability in this brotherly country and the peace for its population.

The Moroccan diplomat also expressed Morocco’s trust in the wisdom of the Gabonese nation, its driving forces, and national institutions, to transition to a perspective that prioritizes the country’s best interests, safeguards its achievements, and meets the expectations of the brotherly Gabonese people.

“Through this Council, our delegation suggests that the PSC, the decision-making body for conflict management and resolution, accompany Gabon by supporting its efforts towards a successful transition,” added Arrouchi, stressing that all parties “must collectively commit to facilitating a rapid and effective response to this situation, which will enable Gabon to reintegrate the AU.”

In what concerns Niger, the Moroccan ambassador underlined that Morocco has been closely following the developments since the outbreak of the situation in the Republic of Niger, reiterating the importance of maintaining stability in this brotherly country.

Arrouchi pointed out that Morocco is confident in the wisdom of Niger’s people and forces to preserve the country’s achievements, maintain its important constructive regional role, and work towards realizing the aspirations of its brotherly people.

The Moroccan diplomat also emphasized Niger’s key role at the regional, continental, and international levels, affirming that the country’s stability, prosperity, and development are assets for the African continent as a whole, which can contribute to overcoming the challenges in the region.

“Our delegation calls for the situation in Niger to be approached with wisdom, while avoiding divisions which ultimately conflict with the interests of Nigeriens,” stated Arrouchi.

The Moroccan ambassador also called, on behalf of the Kingdom, for supporting peace, security, and development efforts in Gabon and Niger, as well as for providing all countries in transition with the necessary support to overcome the different challenges they face and achieve peace and stability.

“Our delegation believes that accompanying all these countries towards a political solution should be guided by a vital assessment of their specific needs,” explained Arrouchi, stressing the importance of adopting a holistic and multidimensional approach that takes into account the peace, security, and development aspect, to establish a solid basis for a successful transition and a lasting political solution.

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