Austrian MP Considers Moroccan Autonomy Plan Best Solution for Conflict over Moroccan Sahara

Member of the National Council of the Austrian parliament, Harald Troch, affirmed on Monday, June 5 in Rabat that the Moroccan Autonomy Plan is the best framework to achieve a definitive solution to the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.

“The autonomy model for Morocco’s Southern provinces, under Moroccan sovereignty, reflects a very positive path towards a definitive solution,” said Troch in a statement to the press following his meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, and President of the Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs, and Moroccan Expatriates Committee, Nadia Bouaida.

Troch, who is also a member of the Austrian National Council’s Foreign Policy Committee, praised Morocco’s efforts “to promote development and peace in the region.”

The Austrian parliamentarian also emphasized that his talks with Talbi Alami and Bouaida were an opportunity to discuss and review relations between Morocco and Europe in general and between the Kingdom and Austria in particular.

The Moroccan parliament signed, last March in Rabat, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with its Austrian counterpart to give a fresh impetus to cooperation between the two countries and strengthen the ties uniting the two legislative institutions.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) focuses on developing parliamentary and administrative relations and strengthening dialogue, consultation, and coordination on issues of common interest.

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