Berlin: Minister Mohamed Abdeljalil Expresses Morocco’s Commitment to Fight Against Climate Change

The Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, reiterated on June 4 in Berlin, Morocco’s commitment to the fight against climate change.

Speaking via videoconference on the sidelines of the second International E-Fuels Dialogue in Berlin, Abdeljalil affirmed that through emissions control, Morocco will be able to be part of a global solution to climate change, thanks to “our natural resources and our proximity to Europe”.

“Morocco began developing renewable wind and solar energy a long time ago, and today it is equipped with very solid expertise in this area,” revealed the minister, expressing the Kingdom’s commitment to contributing to the fight against climate change.

In a similar context, the Moroccan official stressed the need to strengthen solidarity and multilateral cooperation to succeed in the energy transition in the transport sector worldwide, while taking into account the particularities of developing countries.

“It would be unfortunate if advanced industrial countries reached zero greenhouse gas emissions while developing countries lag behind,” noted Abdeljalil.

The official also highlighted the importance of this German initiative at the political level, expressing Morocco’s readiness to host the third edition of this dialogue, in partnership with Germany.

This year’s edition, which saw the participation of several countries, aims to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the transport sector, namely civil aviation.

The Kingdom was represented at this international e-fuels event by the Director General of Civil Aviation, Tarik Talibi, reporting to the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, and the Moroccan Embassy in Germany.

The Moroccan delegation also took part in the work of the fourth Berlin Aviation Summit, focusing on the future of aviation and its sustainability.

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