British MP Describes Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as Only Practical Solution to Conflict over Moroccan Sahara

British member of parliament Liam Fox stated, on May 31 in Rabat, that the Moroccan Autonomy Plan for the Moroccan Sahara is the “only possible option” and the “only practical solution” to resolve the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara. 

The British official expressed this position in a statement to the press following his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita. 

“It’s important to focus on serving the best interests of the people in the region, and to look for a practical solution to advance policies at a regional level,” stressed the British parliamentarian. 

Fox stressed that as politicians and leaders, “we are responsible for ensuring that the quality and standard of living, and the citizens’ safety are at the top of the agenda.”

Proposed by Morocco in 2007, the Moroccan Autonomy Plan for the Southern provinces enjoys solid and firm support from a growing number of countries, including Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Hungary, Romania, Portugal, and Serbia.

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