HM King Mohammed VI Addresses Order of Day on 68th FAR Creation Anniversary

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), addressed the order of the day, on May 14, to Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Non-commissioned Members, on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the creation of the FAR.

Here is the translation:

“Praise be to Allah, prayers and blessings be upon the Prophet, his family, and his companions,

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

On this glorious day, we celebrate the sixty-eighth anniversary of the creation of the Royal Armed Forces, and our hearts, both of Our August Person and all Moroccans, are filled with feelings of pride towards all the components of our valiant Army; land, air, naval and the Royal Gendarmerie. It is for Us, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, an opportunity to renew Our sympathy and satisfaction with you and to express Our gratitude to you for the sacrifices that you make with dedication and self-negation in the service of territorial integrity and the defense of national borders.

We also remember, with consideration and deference, the historical milestones achieved by our Royal Armed Forces, remembering with reverence the pioneering role of the two revered leaders, His Majesty King Mohammed V, may Allah be pleased with Him, and His worthy successor, His Majesty King Hassan II, may Allah sanctify His soul, so that this Institution continues to ensure its historic role as an impassable rampart of this peaceful country.

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

The accomplishment of the major missions entrusted to you for the defense of the Homeland and its territorial integrity, as well as your sustained efforts in the service of your country in the various military, security, humanitarian, social, and educational fields, in addition to your firm commitment, with responsibility and seriousness, make you an example to follow in terms of loyalty and generosity.

Our objective is that the Royal Armed Forces remain attached to their authentic values and their centuries-old traditions, capable of fulfilling their noble missions of defense of the Fatherland and citizens in the best conditions and that our institutes, schools, and educational centers continue to provide our Royal Armed Forces with promotions of national executives and military skills, including Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Non-commissioned Members, able to assume their responsibilities with skill and professionalism.

In this context, We salute the colossal work accomplished by Our Armed Forces for the defense of our territorial integrity with self-sacrifice, faithful to the oath of the Green March, as well as Our soldiers who ensure the security of the land, air and maritime borders of the Kingdom. We also salute the members of our military contingents deployed as part of the Peacekeeping Operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic, in line with the efforts of the United Nations to restore security and peace in these two brother countries.

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

Today’s world is experiencing worrying tensions and accelerated and unprecedented transformations, embodied by polarization, the multiplicity of alliances, and the increasing probability of war in different regions of the globe. This situation has imposed the inevitability of revising the concepts of security and defense and adapting programs and strategies in the face of the resurgence of threats and challenges, in order to support this situation and adapt to it.

To this end, Our Majesty constantly strives to develop the capabilities of the Royal Armed Forces, all components combined, and to provide them with all modern technical means and necessary equipment through training and qualification programs for the human element, while putting in place integrated plans guaranteeing permanent operational availability and strengthening their defensive capabilities in all circumstances.

Thus, We have given Our High Instructions to initiate a global evaluation of training curricula and military training programs intended for all military personnel, all levels combined, with the aim of instilling a new dynamic into the systems and supports of teaching and adapting them to new changes, while adopting renewed thinking and innovative methods in the fields of science, technology, and artificial intelligence.

With a view to developing the higher military training system, We have ordered the construction of a new headquarters of the Royal College of Higher Military Education, as an integrated university center, which houses all of the higher military training schools of the officers from the various land, air, naval and Royal Gendarmerie components, and provides comprehensive education, in accordance with modern and developed curricula and techniques, and open to the continental and international space.

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

The unprecedented influx of our youth in response to the call of the Homeland within the framework of military service which has given, since its resumption, very positive results, reflects the continued success of this operation which We have decided to make an open national project according to a new vision in terms of training and professional qualification, combining the strengthening of the spirit of belonging to the Fatherland and the taking of responsibilities with the opening of prospects for the future and integration to physically, scientifically and technically qualified Moroccan youth for an active contribution to the economic growth and development of the country.

In addition to all this, We are happy and satisfied with the will, determination, altruism, and discipline shown by these young men and women, after their integration into the ranks of the Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, National Security, Auxiliary Forces and in other services, public administrations and civilian establishments that they joined at the end of military training. Given its convincing results, we call on all those responsible to apply themselves more to preserve the tangible gains made by military service and to move forward with their development.

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

Our Royal Armed Forces continue, with fidelity and sacrifice, as they have done in the past, the accomplishment of the missions that We entrust to them, whether social or military, in the service of the Homeland and the security of its inhabitants. In this regard, We take this opportunity to salute the glorious epic written by the members of the Royal Armed Forces, alongside those of the Royal Gendarmerie, National Security, Auxiliary Forces, Civil Protection and local authorities, as well as their volunteer brothers, following the tragic earthquake which struck the provinces of Al Haouz and Taroudant.

Immediately after having given Our High Instructions from the first hours of the tragedy, your instant reaction and your rapid intervention on the ground, backed by the deployment of field hospitals and land and air rescue and relief units, as well as the installation of accommodation camps and the provision of food aid to disaster victims, contributed effectively to alleviating the suffering of the population and opening up the affected areas.

We are also proud of the great role played by the female military element during these painful events, contributing with the same determination, the same enthusiasm, and the same feeling of belonging to the Homeland, to the management of field hospitals as well as to social activities to mitigate the effects of the tragedy among women and children.

Officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned soldiers,

As We commemorate this blessed occasion, We remember with reverence and deference the souls of all those who made precious sacrifices for the dignity and greatness of this Motherland, headed by the two late leaders, Our Grandfather, His Majesty King Mohammed V, and Our Father, His Majesty King Hassan II, may Allah surround Them with His Holy mercy, imploring the Almighty to welcome them into His vast paradise among the prophets, the saints, the martyrs and the virtuous.

With the same faith, We pray to the Most High to surround with His Holy mercy Our brave martyrs who fell on the field of honor in the defense of the Homeland, its territorial integrity, and national sovereignty.

We implore Allah to help you in the accomplishment of your missions, to grant you greater strength and perseverance to achieve your objectives, and to always keep you as fervent defenders of the Homeland and loyal soldiers of the Throne, mobilized behind your Supreme Leader and faithful to your eternal motto: Allah – The Homeland – The King”.

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