Minister Ghita Mezzour Stresses Importance of Training Workforce in Emerging Technologies Field

The Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour, stressed on May 27 Monday in Marrakech, the importance of training the workforce in the field of emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI).

Intervening at the Africa Cybersafe Symposium, which wrapped up on May 28 in Marrakech, the minister recalled the signing of a partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation aimed at increasing the number of accredited industries focused on cybersecurity and digital technologies.

Mezzour also shed light on Morocco’s efforts in the field of cybersecurity and digital transition, noting that the Kingdom is now ranked 28th globally in the field of outsourcing.

In the same context, the official highlighted the role of Moroccan startups that are developing innovative cybersecurity solutions, expressing her department’s determination to move forward in the development of the startup ecosystem.

For his part, the Head of the UAE Cybersecurity Council (CSC), Mohammed Al Kuwaiti, explained how the digital transition largely contributes to the facilitation of various services and fields.

In the same context, Al Kuwaiti stressed the need to promote cloud sovereignty which presents a promising solution by retaining the benefits of cloud computing while effectively mitigating the associated risks.

Held on the sidelines of GITEX Africa Morocco 2024, the Africa Cybersafe Symposium brings together more than 450 Arab and African participants including public decision-makers, business leaders, government officials, cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and academicians.

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