Ministerial Commission in charge of Moroccan Expatriates, Migration Affairs Holds 10th Meeting in Rabat

Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, chaired on June 1 in Rabat, the tenth meeting of the Ministerial Commission in charge of Moroccan Expatriates and Migration Affairs.

This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the conclusions of the work of the thematic committees in charge of developing an executive program to implement the High Royal Directives outlined in the speech of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People.

On this occasion, Akhannouch underlined the importance that His Majesty the King attaches to the affairs of Moroccans abroad, reaffirming the government’s commitment to implementing the measures and provisions set out in the 2021-2026 government program, which aims to meet the expectations of the Moroccan community abroad.

In this context, the Head of Government also called on all parties concerned to accelerate the implementation of the provisions listed in the executive program to meet the expectations of Moroccans abroad, stressing the need to safeguard their rights and interests, simplify and digitize administrative procedures and services, develop skills and talents of Moroccans abroad, and facilitate their access to investment in the Kingdom.

For his part, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, stated that following the recommendations of the ninth meeting of the Ministerial Commission, held on August 30, 2022, thematic committees have been set up to establish an executive program listing the measures needed to implement the High Royal Directives concerning Moroccan expatriates.

These thematic committees aim to promote the investment of Moroccans residing abroad in the Kingdom, foster their skills, enhance administrative services and the rights of Moroccan expatriates, consolidate identity, and rehabilitate and modernize the institutional framework.

Bourita also underlined the importance of the work achieved by the thematic committees, which held 16 meetings thanks to the mobilization and involvement of several departments and relevant public and private institutions. The technical committee held on January 17, 2023, a meeting to present and examine the recommendations issued by these committees.

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