Palestinian Fatah Movement’s Spokesman: HM King Mohammed VI’s Speech Affirms Centrality of Palestinian Cause for Morocco

The Spokesman for the Palestinian “Fatah” movement in Gaza, Munther Al-Hayek, underlined that His Majesty King Mohammed VI affirmed in His speech to the Nation on Throne Day that the Palestinian cause is of special importance for Morocco and Moroccans.

In a statement to the press, Al-Hayek stressed that in His Majesty the King expressed, His speech, Morocco’s firm position in support of the Palestinian cause, as well as His Majesty’s support for the legitimate rights of Palestinians to the establishment of their independent state with East Al-Quds as its capital.

Al-Hayek noted that His Majesty the King, in His capacity as Chairman of al-Quds Committee, has never ceased to support the Palestinian cause, notably through the projects and programs implemented by Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency, which is the executive arm of al-Quds Committee.

The Fatah movement spokesman extended the gratitude of the Palestinian people for the solidarity shown by the Sovereign, the Moroccan government, and Moroccans, and the support of the resistance of Palestinians in defending their legitimate rights and their sacred places, including Al-Quds Asharif.

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