Parliamentary Delegation Conducts Working Visit to UK

A delegation from the House of Representatives is conducting a working visit to London, at the invitation of the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (BGIPU), with the aim of strengthening parliamentary cooperation between Morocco and the United Kingdom.

The Moroccan delegation, led by the first deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Sabbari (PAM), includes Mohamed Joudar (UC), Nadia Touhami (PPS), Zaina Idhali (RNI), Abdelaziz Lachehab (PI), and Ilham Essaki (PAM).

During this visit, which will continue until February 23, the delegation will hold a series of meetings with members of the British government and the Houses of Commons and Lords.

The delegation will also hold talks with parliamentary committees and British MPs from different political groups, the British All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG-Morocco), the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).

This visit falls within the framework of the momentum of exchanges between the two countries’ legislative institutions, particularly since the reconstitution of the APPG and the formation of friendship groups in the two Houses of the Moroccan Parliament.

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