Statement by the Royal Office

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may Allah assist Him, has addressed a Letter to the Head of Government on the revision of the Family Code.

This Royal Letter concretizes the Royal decision proclaimed by His Majesty the King in the 2022 Throne Speech and reflects the High Solicitude that the Sovereign, may Allah glorify Him, constantly accords to women’s issues and the family as a whole.

In addition to the mission entrusted to the Head of Government by His Majesty the King, may Allah preserve Him, through this Letter, the Sovereign has entrusted the preparation of this important reform to the Ministry of Justice, the High Council of the Judiciary, and the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in a collective and collaborative manner, given the centrality of the legal and judicial dimensions of this subject.

His Majesty the King has called on the above-mentioned institutions to work closely on this reform with the other institutions directly related to this subject, headed by the Supreme Council of Ulemas, the National Human Rights Council, the Government Authority in charge of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family, while also involving civil society institutions and stakeholders, researchers, and specialists.

The High Royal Directives stipulate that the suggested amendments resulting from these wide-ranging participatory consultations should be submitted to His Majesty the King, Commander of the Faithful, the Guarantor of citizens’ rights and freedoms, for His Majesty’s approval, within a maximum period of six months, before the government drafts the relevant bill and submits it to the parliament for adoption.”

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