African Lion 2024: Field Surgical Hospital Deployed in Tata Province

As part of the humanitarian initiatives implemented within the framework of the 2024 African Lion military…

Military Cooperation: FAR Inspector General Holds Talks With US Official

In execution of the High Royal Instructions relating to the holding of the 13th Session of…

Military Cooperation: 20th African Lion Exercise Kicks Off in Agadir

Per the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of General…

African Lion 2024 to Take Place Between May 20-31 (Press Release)

Per the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of the…

US-Africa Business Summit: Morocco’s Investment Opportunities Highlighted During Round Table

Morocco’s Investment opportunities and the solidity of the strategic partnership between the Kingdom and the United…

FAR Inspector General Holds Talks with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs

Per the High Royal Instructions, the Lieutenant General, Inspector General of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR),…

FM Nasser Bourita: Meeting with Bonnie Jenkins, Part of Morocco-US Coordination on Security Issues

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, affirmed that the meeting…

UNHRC: The United States Congratulates Morocco Following Historic Election to Presidency

The United States congratulated Morocco on its election, on January 10 in Geneva, to the presidency…

Moroccan Sahara: The United States Reiterates Unwavering Position

The US Department of State reaffirmed, on December 17, the United States’ “clear and constant” position…

US-Arab Chamber of Commerce Names Lalla Joumala Alaoui “Ambassador of the Year”

The US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (USACC) granted, on December 11, the “Ambassador of the Year” award…

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