Al Haouz Earthquake: Outpouring of Solidarity Attests to Unity of Moroccans (Washington Institute)

The American think tank “Washington Institute” stressed that the outpouring of solidarity and social mobilization triggered by the earthquake that shook Al Haouz region is a testament to the unity of the Moroccan people and an indication of the Kingdom’s humanitarian values in times of crisis.

The Washington-based think tank noted, in an analysis published on its website, that this outpouring of ongoing support has transformed relief efforts into a source of national pride.

“This spontaneous and widespread solidarity has not only provided crucial aid to the affected areas but has also highlighted Moroccans’ humanitarian values in times of crisis,” stated the article. 

According to the article’s authors, researchers Ahmad Sharawi and Mohsine El Ahmadi, all Moroccans mobilized to support the areas affected by the earthquake, particularly those in mountainous regions, while tens of thousands of Moroccans actively participated in blood donation campaigns. 

The experts stressed that this collective response, which has gained international admiration, is a testament to Morocco’s determination to face this disaster with its resources and the support of its people. 

The American think tank also recalled that per the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, a special fund has been created to manage the effects of the earthquake, adding that all these efforts testify to Morocco’s commitment to responding efficiently to natural hazards and strengthening its capacity to manage this kind of emergency situations.

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