Arab League Council: FM Nasser Bourita Affirms Morocco’s Commitment to Joint, Pragmatic Arab Action

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, stressed, on September 6 in Cairo, that in line with the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco is committed to joint realistic and pragmatic Arab action.

Speaking at a joint press conference with the Arab League’s (AL) Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, held following the closing of the 160th session of the Arab League (AL) Council at the foreign ministers level, Bourita emphasized the great importance the Kingdom attaches to this type of cooperation as an integral part of its foreign policy agenda.

The Moroccan Minister stated the Kingdom has always advocated joint Arab action that is realistic and pragmatic, and that takes account of political, economic, social and development issues, adding that during its presidency of the Arab League (AL) Council, Morocco will attach prime importance to these issues, which are central to joint Arab action.

Minister Bourita recalled that this presidency coincides with a context of complex and interconnected challenges, the repercussions of which are affecting the Arab region in the absence of a common vision with clearly defined parameters, stressing that this situation calls for wise and realistic action for the coordinated and collective management of such challenges, to maintain the security, stability, and territorial and national integrity of Arab countries, and meet the expectations of their peoples.

The Moroccan official also indicated that the Moroccan Presidency would work to implement the Arab League’s (AL) resolutions and ensure better preparation for upcoming Arab events, notably the Economic and Social Development Summit scheduled for November in Mauritania and the Arab Summit in Bahrain.

Minister Bourita noted that the meeting of foreign ministers had agreed on a wide range of resolutions drafted at the meeting of permanent delegates, including the resolution on the Palestinian cause, underlining that Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, has been undertaking on-the-ground efforts to support the resistance of Palestinians in vital sectors such as health, education, and housing, through Bayt Mal Al-Qods Asharif Agency.

The Foreign minister also pointed out that Morocco is convinced that political action concerning the Palestinian cause must be accompanied by concrete action, recalling that Bayt Mal al-Qods Agency has supervised the funding of over  200 major projects and dozens of small and medium-sized projects amounting to approximately $64 million.

Minister Bourita added that the Council also agreed on other resolutions relating to crises such as those in Libya, Syria, and Sudan, noting that these resolutions reflect the consistent Arab position on these issues.

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