AU PSC: Morocco Condemns Exploitation of Refugees, Recruitment of Refugee Children into Armed Militias

Morocco condemned Thursday in Addis Ababa before the African Union’s (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) any exploitation of refugees and the recruitment of children into armed militias.

Morocco’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mohammed Arrouchi, reaffirmed Morocco’s strong condemnation of any exploitation of refugees and the recruitment of children into armed militias.

Intervening at a Peace and Security Council (PSC) meeting on humanitarian action in Africa, Arrouchi emphasized the importance of registering and documenting refugees as a fundamental tool to ensure their protection.

The Moroccan ambassador also stressed that the challenge imposed is protecting refugees from exploitation by certain parties that, under the pretext of aiding refugees, use these vulnerable groups to serve their narrow and malicious goals and exploit humanitarian aid.

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