Bilateral Cooperation: FM Nasser Bourita Holds Talks with Bahraini Counterpart

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, held talks with his Bahraini counterpart, Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, on September 5 in Cairo, on the occasion of the Moroccan minister’s presidency of the Arab League (AL) Council at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss bilateral relations, as both Bourita and Al Zayani praised the distinguished level of cooperation and solidarity uniting Morocco and Bahrain, thanks to the High Solicitude of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Majesty Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

The two foreign ministers affirmed their countries’ commitment to further developing these relations and boosting cooperation between the two Kingdoms, in line with the aspirations of the Sovereigns of both countries.

Bourita and Al Zayani also agreed to implement the conclusions of the 5th session of the High Joint Commission, which was held on January 26 in Manama, and strengthen political coordination and consultation, ahead of upcoming events, notably the 33rd Arab Summit, scheduled to take place in March in Bahrain.

The two parties also discussed several regional and international issues of common interest, expressing Morocco and Bahrain’s common views on said issues.

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