HoG Aziz Akhannouch Represents HM King Mohammed VI at Second Russia-Africa Summit

Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, arrived in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on July 27, to represent His…

Lower House Speaker Addresses Message of Loyalty, Fidelity to HM King Mohammed VI

The Royal Office has received a message of loyalty and fidelity addressed to His Majesty King…

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Expresses Morocco’s Solidarity with Algeria Following Forest Fires

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates issued a press release in which…

American Mayors Commend Israel’s Recognition of Morocco’s Sovereignty over the Sahara

Several American Mayors commended Israel’s decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara. The mayor of…

Utah’s Attorney General Describes Israel’s Recognition of Moroccan Sahara as “Harbinger” of Lasting Peace

Attorney General of the Western State of Utah, Sean Reyes, stressed, on July 22, that Israel’s…

Senior Advisor to Knesset Speaker: Israel’s Recognition of Moroccanity of Sahara, Fruit of HM King Mohammed VI’s Pioneering Role

Senior Advisor to the Speaker of the Knesset, Orit Moshé, stated that Israel’s recognition of the…

Moroccan Sahara: American Congressman Describes Israel’s Recognition as Significant Milestone

Member of the US House of Representatives, Mario Diaz-Balart, stated that Israel’s recognition of the Moroccanity…

Andalusian Official: Maintaining Good Relations with Morocco, a Priority for Andalusia, Spain

The Minister of Presidency, Interior, and Social Dialogue of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Antonio Sanz,…

Russia-Africa Summit on Agenda of Morocco-Russia Diplomatic Talks

Morocco’s Ambassador to Russia, Lotfi Bouchaara, held talks, on July 19 in Moscow, with the Special…

British MP: Israel’s Recognition of Moroccan Sahara, a Major Breakthrough for Peace

British Conservative parliamentarian, Liam Fox, stated, on July 19, that Israel’s decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty…

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