Commemoration of 25th Anniversary of Passing of Late HM King Hassan II, Founder of Modern Morocco

Morocco commemorates, on Wednesday 9 Rabii II 1445 A.H., the 25th anniversary of the passing of the late His Majesty King Hassan II, providing an opportunity for Moroccans to pay tribute to the Founder of the modern State and the builder King, who marked the Kingdom’s contemporary history.

This commemoration, which comes just a few days before the 48th Anniversary of the Glorious Green March, is a powerful illustration of the people’s commitment to embracing their history and honoring the spirit of a visionary King who paved the way for Morocco’s modernity, while preserving its multifaceted identity and age-old civilization.

His Majesty Hassan II, may Allah surround Him with His infinite mercy, respected and meticulously cemented the foundations laid by His revered father, the late His Majesty King Mohammed V, as soon as he acceded to the throne in 1961, and launched a series of edification and unifications projects enriching the Kingdom’s position in the world, subsequently allowing Morocco to reinforce its stability, pursue the path of development, and achieve territorial integrity.

Under the reign of His Late Majesty Hassan II, Morocco was able to further strengthen its national unity, notably with the recovery of the provinces of Sidi Ifni (June 30, 1969) and Oued Eddahab (August 14, 1979).

Undoubtedly, the keystone of this glorious achievement of territorial integrity was the glorious Green March of November 6, 1975, a memorable and peaceful epic that remains enshrined in history as a model for the peaceful settlement of disputes.

Since the early years of His reign, the Green March’s initiator, the late His Majesty King Hassan II, had recognized the importance of building an independent, solid, and resilient national economy, launching the “dam policy” in 1966, a project that had become the focus of His reign.

The dam policy has been successful since its implementation and has proved extremely useful, particularly during the years of recurrent drought and water shortages experienced by Morocco and several other countries in the region.

This pioneering policy, supported by an ambitious agricultural policy, has firmly solidified the Kingdom’s agricultural position and promoted the sector as a lever for overall development.

Beyond economic growth, the late Sovereign was committed to ensuring the social well-being of his loyal subjects and preserving the cohesion, solidarity, and mutual aid typical of Moroccan society.

For this purpose, the Sovereign introduced several strategic programs, focusing on the promotion of women’s rights, the consolidation of the family institution, the development of social housing, and respect for human rights and pluralism.

At the international level, His Majesty Hassan II’s charisma, insight, and open-mindedness earned him the respect and admiration of leaders and Heads of State. Under the Wise Leadership of the late His Majesty King Hassan II, the Kingdom positioned itself prominently in the international community, expressing its stances at several international forums and assuming a leading role in number of regional and international issues, such as the Arab-Israeli conflict, United Nations (UN) Peace Missions, and the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which is the predecessor of the African Union (AU), and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU).

The efforts of the late His Majesty Hassan II in combating colonialism, promoting peace, and furthering the development and prosperity of Africa, recognized worldwide, earned him, on November 1, 2022, a Pan-African Prize awarded by Ethiopia to the late Sovereign for His commitment and contribution to the emancipation of Africa and pan-Africanism, particularly through His efforts in support of the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

The late Sovereign’s vision in terms of foreign policy was consistently clear and balanced, advocating openness to the Western world and modernity while at the same time preserving the Kingdom’s identity and heritage as an Islamic, Arab, African, and Mediterranean country.

In His capacity as Commander of the Faithful, the late His Majesty King Hassan II constantly urged and sought to unite the Islamic Ummah in the face of the threats facing the land of Islam.

In commemorating the 25th anniversary of the passing of the late His Majesty King Hassan II, Moroccans are honoring the memory of a great King and Builder, who allowed Morocco to fully embrace the era of modernity.

This commemoration is also an opportunity for all Moroccans to reiterate their unwavering loyalty and attachment to the Glorious Alaouite Throne and renew their commitment to following the late Sovereign’s path and embracing the great projects initiated by His worthy successor, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah preserve him, in the service of a modern, developed and prosperous Morocco.

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