Non-Moroccan Party Implicated in Forged Document Banning Imams from Mentioning Palestine in Sermons (Ministry of Endowments)

The Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs stated that a non-Moroccan party is responsible for the forged document, allegedly issued by the Moroccan Ministry, prohibiting imams from mentioning Palestine in mosques.

The ministry stressed in a statement that the document was a blatant forgery, emphasizing its non-conformity with recognized standards of correspondence and its different linguistic and semantic style.

After refuting the document’s authenticity, the Ministry stressed that it was a forgery, explaining that a Moroccan website had previously relayed this unfounded information which it had attributed to what it referred to as “mosque controllers” in the Tangier region.

“Given that this information is unfounded, the aforementioned site acted almost as if it were predicting what should happen, and since such an act is of no magnitude, the Ministry chose not to comment,” underlined the statement. 

The Ministry also warned religious officials about “the existence of several parties attempting to undermine a nation renowned for its unwavering commitment to the law, the Palestinian cause, and Al Aqsa Mosque,” describing such behavior as “bankrupt politics” and a “crime against religion”.

The Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs had previously denied, on October 23, the authenticity of the document attributed to it, deploring the fact that some social media users had relayed a document containing instructions to the Ministry’s delegates banning imams from mentioning Palestine in mosques.

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