Direct Social Assistance: Around 1 Mln Families to Benefit from First Installment

Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, stated on December 25, that around one million families, the equivalent of 3.5 million Moroccans, meeting the required eligibility threshold for the Unified Social Register (USR) will benefit, as of December 28, from the first installment of the direct social assistance program.

Intervening at the opening of the meeting of the Government Council, the Head of Government explained that “as of December 28, approximately one million families, meeting the required eligibility threshold for the Unified Social Register, the equivalent of 3.5 million Moroccans, will benefit from the first installment of this financial aid, of which value will not be less than 500 dirhams per family, whatever its composition.”

In the same context, Akhannouch explained that the rest of the families who submitted their requests after December 10 will receive installments for December and January at the end of the following month, adding that registration remains open to families meeting the eligibility requirements to benefit from direct social assistance in the future.

The Moroccan official also recalled that the government had received, through its digital portal, since its launch in early December and to date, more than 1.9 million requests, noting that this number continues to increase on a daily basis.

Speaking about 2023, Akhannouch noted that the latter represents a pivotal year in the implementation process of “social state” projects and making financial resources available to ensure their sustainability, whether in terms of the generalization of compulsory health insurance, direct social assistance for families in situations of poverty or precariousness, or assistance in the acquisition of main housing.

As for the reform of the educational system, Akhannouch indicated that the objectives can only be achieved through strengthening the status of teachers, adding that it is for this reason that a climate of confidence was created by improving the financial situation of this category, as reflected in the agreement of December 10 and the granting of a net and general monthly salary increase of MAD 1,500 minimum, the largest in the Kingdom’s history which will cost more than MAD 10 billion annually.

On a different note, the Head of Government underlined that thanks to the High Royal Instructions, the government managed to transform the repercussions of Al Haouz earthquake into opportunities, by monitoring the reconstruction and rehabilitation of affected provinces.

Thanks to the Enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the government was able to manage this crisis with the required diligence and efficiency, in accordance with the High Royal Instructions, added Akhannouch, noting that the Kingdom has demonstrated great resilience in the face of different challenges.

Akhannouch also commended the constant commitment of ministers with regard to monitoring the major projects that the government is working to implement, stressing that the aim is to contribute to the development of the Morocco of tomorrow, as a land of dignity and equal opportunities for all Moroccans.

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