Exports: Morocco Conquers German Market with Sweet Peppers, Resulting in $30 Million Revenue (EastFruit)

EastFruit, an information and analytics platform specializing in horticulture business, reported that Morocco is increasing its exports of sweet peppers to all major destinations, including Germany. 

For several consecutive seasons, Morocco has increased its exports of sweet peppers to Germany by 10 to 20% each year, and in the  2022/2023 season (July-June), Moroccan pepper exports to the German market reached a record volume, totaling 18,200 tons. As a result, export income has amounted to nearly $ 30 million, the highest index in the past seven seasons.

Fruit & Vegetable Market Analyst at EastFruit, Yevhen Kuzin, stated that during the last season, Morocco was the only major exporter of sweet peppers to Germany, while other countries reduced their supply to the German market.

Germany is one of the most attractive markets for Moroccan exports, as the German market is the leading importer of sweet peppers in Europe and the second worldwide since 2017. In the last season alone, Germany imported sweet bell peppers from 37 countries, with 4% of all imports accounting for Morocco’s supplies.

While Germany continues to lead the way among importers, the amount of sweet peppers imported into the nation has somewhat reduced over the previous several years. As EastFruit has frequently noted, severe droughts hit certain parts of Europe in 2021–2022, which pushed several countries, such as Spain, to cut back on shipments.

Morocco’s production of bell peppers spans over the whole year, making the Kingdom an almost year-round exporter. Exports to Germany, however, mainly take place between October and May.

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