FM Nasser Bourita Sheds Light on Growing International Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, stated that thanks to the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the number of European Union (EU) member countries that support the Autonomy Plan has now risen to 14 countries after the Czech Republic expressed its support for the Autonomy Plan.

At a joint press conference with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavský, Minister Bourita expressed Morocco’s gratitude to the Czech Republic for its position in support of the Moroccan Autonomy Plan, which it considered a serious and credible effort and a “good basis” for a mutually accepted solution.

The Moroccan Minister also pointed out that the Czech Republic’s support is part of an international momentum aimed at establishing the Moroccan Autonomy plan as the basis for settling the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

The Czech Republic’s position on the Moroccan Sahara was expressed in the Joint Declaration signed on October 26 in Prague by Minister Bourita and his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavský.

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