German Federal Minister of Interior: Morocco, Germany Share Several Common Interests

The German Minister of the Interior and Territory, Nancy Faeser, stated on October 31 in Rabat, that Morocco and Germany share several common interests and challenges, which call for stronger cooperation.

Speaking at a press briefing following her talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, Faeser emphasized the importance of pooling efforts and working together to further consolidate bilateral cooperation in different fields.

Faeser noted that Morocco and Germany share several issues of common interest, including security and countering terrorism, organized crime, and human trafficking among other challenges.

The German Minister put particular emphasis on migration, given that Germany and Morocco are both host and transit countries, noting that cooperation in this field will undoubtedly achieve “very positive and fruitful results” for the two countries.

The German official affirmed that Germany aims to establish a bilateral agreement on migration issues with Morocco to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries in this field.

Minister Faeser also praised the signing of a joint declaration of intent between Morocco and Germany’s Ministries of the Interior to strengthen cooperation in several fields, including security and migration, which crowned the meeting she held with her Moroccan counterpart Abdelouafi Laftit.

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