Hungarian FM: Morocco, Major Partner for Hungary in Promoting Peace in Region

Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, emphasized on November 15 in Rabat Morocco’s role as a key player and partner for Hungary in promoting peace and stability in the region and Africa.

During a joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, the head of Hungarian diplomacy noted that the Kingdom boasts a strong policy in the fight against irregular migration.

Szijjarto further commended Morocco’s clear and firm stance against terrorism, which is one of the main drivers of illegal migration.

Pointing out that stability and peace in Africa depend on peace and security in Europe, the Hungarian minister praised Morocco’s key role as a partner of the European Union (EU). The Hungarian official also praised Morocco’s efforts in combating irregular migratory flows.

On this occasion, Szijjarto reiterated Hungary’s support for the Moroccan Autonomy Plan, stating that his country believes that “the Autonomy Plan presented by Morocco is a promising basis for a resolution to the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara per the relevant United Nations resolutions”.

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