Kingdom’s Ombudsman Holds Talks with Mozambique’s Defender of Justice

The Kingdom’s Ombudsman, Mohamed Benalilou, held talks, on September 19 in Rabat, with Mozambique’s Defender of Justice (Ombudsman), Isaque Chande, who is on a visit to Morocco at the head of an official delegation.

In a press release, the Institution of the Kingdom’s Ombudsman stated that during this meeting, which took place within the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded between the two institutions on August 7, 2017, Benalilou praised the level of cooperation between the Moroccan and Mozambican Ombudsman institutions.

After reviewing the results of the three previous visits made by the Mozambican Ombudsman and the delegation accompanying him to the Moroccan Institution’s headquarters, the Moroccan official outlined the attributions, missions, and working mechanisms of his Institution, which strives to promote administrative management based on good governance and transparency and lay the foundations of a modern administration at the service of the citizen.

The same source added that the meeting was an opportunity to brief the Mozambican delegation on the Institution’s operating methods and its achievements in terms of the dematerialization of services provided to citizens, the processing of grievances, and the implementation of recommendations and proposals, noting that the Kingdom’s Ombudsman also shed light on the actions undertaken to strengthen the Institution’s presence in media and promote it among the general public.

For his part, the Mozambican Ombudsman also outlined his institution’s remit and working methods, which are similar to those of the Institution of the Kingdom’s Ombudsman, extending an invitation to Benalilou to pay a visit to Mozambique.

The two parties took the opportunity to express their satisfaction with the quality of the cooperative relations between their institutions, and their determination to develop them and raise them to the level of friendship uniting Morocco and Mozambique.

The Kingdom’s Ombudsman and his Mozambican counterpart praised the excellence of cooperative relations between their institutions and their determination to develop them and elevate them, further strengthening the friendship uniting Morocco and Mozambique.

The press release concluded that Mozambique’s Defender of Justice will visit several governance institutions as part of his visit to the Kingdom to explore Morocco’s expertise and achievements in this area.

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