Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Morocco Follows Closely Recent Developments in Gabon

The Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates stated, on August 30, that the Kingdom emphasizes the importance of preserving the stability of brotherly Gabon and the well-being of its people. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stressed that Morocco is confident in the wisdom of the Gabonese nation, its driving forces, and national institutions, to move forward towards a perspective that will enable the country to act in its best interests, safeguard its achievements, and meet the aspirations of the Gabonese people.

In the early hours of August 30, a group of senior Gabonese military officers appeared on Gabon’s national television, stating that they had taken power, shortly following the state election body’s announcement that President Ali Bongo Odinmba had won a third term.

The officers claimed to represent all Gabonese security and defense forces, announcing the nullification of the election results and the closing of all borders until further notice.

“On behalf of the Gabonese people and guarantor of the protection of institutions, the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) has decided to defend peace by putting an end to the regime in place,” stated a military officer on Gabon24 news channel.

During this national broadcast, the military officers stated that all the institutions of the republic, including the government, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court, the Economic and Social and Environmental Council, and the Elections Council of Gabon had dissolved, urging Gabonese nationals and diaspora, as well as neighboring countries to keep their calm.

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