Morocco Participates in International Conference on Development, Migration

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, participated, on July 23 in Rome, in an international conference on development and migration.

The conference, organized at the initiative of the Italian government under the theme “Shared Commitments and Solutions for the Mediterranean and Africa,” brought together leaders from countries bordering the southern shore of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Gulf, as well as leading European Union (EU) member states and several countries from Africa, along with the heads of European institutions and international financial institutions.

The Italian Council of Ministers reported that the conference was an opportunity to launch an international roadmap for the implementation of concrete measures for growth and development throughout the Mediterranean and Africa, discuss the root causes of irregular migratory flows to overcome the criminal activities of human traffickers and reach solutions to protect the environment and meet the challenges of energy diversification and climate change.

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