Presentation to HM Majesty King Mohammed VI of First Moroccan Car Brand, Prototype of Hydrogen Vehicle Developed at Moroccan Initiative

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, chaired, Monday at the Royal Palace in Rabat, the presentation ceremony of the first Moroccan car model and the Moroccan prototype of a hydrogen vehicle. These two innovative projects aim to strengthen the promotion of the “Made In Morocco” Label and consolidate the Kingdom’s position as a competitive automotive manufacturing hub.

The presentation to His Majesty the King of the car manufactured by “Neo Motors,” a company owned by Moroccan capital, and the prototype of a hydrogen vehicle from the company “NamX,” named HUV (Hydrogen Utility Vehicle), reflects the Sovereign’s commitment to encouraging and promoting pioneering national entrepreneurial initiatives and creativity, particularly among the Moroccan youth.

The two industrial initiatives are in line with the High Royal Directives aimed at leading the private sector towards productive investment, especially in advanced sectors, and encouraging the development of a new generation of companies in Morocco.

The initiatives also embody His Majesty the King’s Far-Sighted Vision in terms of sustainable development and the promotion of renewable energies, particularly the growing field of green hydrogen.

Neo Motors has set up an industrial unit in Ain Aouda (Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region) for the manufacture of motor vehicles for the local market and export, with an annual capacity of 27.000 units and a local integration rate of 65%.

The estimated investment for this project amounts to MAD 156 million, allowing the generation of 580 jobs.

The National Agency for Road Safety (NARSA) issued, in February, the final approval of the first vehicle, while Neo Motors has launched pre-production and plans to inaugurate its industrial unit in June 2023.

This project, developed by Moroccans, gives rise to the first Moroccan consumer car brand that mainly relies on the ecosystem of local automotive suppliers developed by the Kingdom.

As for NamX’s prototype hydrogen vehicle, it was manufactured in collaboration with Italian car design firm and coachbuilder Pininfarina, while the interior design of the vehicle was designed by Moroccan talents.

The HUV model will be supplied with hydrogen through a central tank which will be filled with six removable capsules, guaranteeing autonomy and facilitating hydrogen refill in minutes.

This pilot project places Morocco in the global dynamic of developing new forms of transport that are both efficient and environment-friendly.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King, may Allah glorify Him, awarded Wissam Al Kafaa Al Fikria to the founder and CEO of Neo Motors Company, Nassim Belkhayat, and the President and founder of NamX Company, Faouzi Annajah.

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