Renewable Energies: Morocco Positioned as Privileged Partner of Germany

The President of the Moroccan-German Business Council of the General Confederation of Moroccan Entreprises (CGEM), Badr Ikken, affirmed on March 13 in Berlin, that Morocco, thanks to its offer in the renewable energy sector, positions itself as a “privileged partner” of Germany.

“Germany, as the leading economic power in Europe, needs partners, and the Kingdom, which offers great potential for cooperation, can meet Germany’s energy needs”, said Ikken in a statement to Maghreb Arab Presse (MAP), on the sidelines of the Future Day for SMEs, organized at the initiative of the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW).

In this regard, Ikken shed light on the “Morocco Offer” for the development of the green hydrogen sector, indicating that the circular issued this week by the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, per the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, constitutes an operational and incentive offer, covering the entire value chain of the green hydrogen sector.

For Ikken, this “clear and transparent” offer will enable the implementation of projects and attract investments in the field of energy.

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