Royal Moroccan Navy Rescues 56 Potential Illegal Migrants

The Royal Moroccan Navy and coastal surveillance units rescued, on November 26, 142 kilometers northwest of Tan-Tan, a boat carrying 56 illegal migrants, including 55 sub-Saharans and one Cuban.

According to military sources, the rescued people, who were headed for the Canary Islands, received the necessary first aid on board, before being safely transported to the port of Tan-Tan, where they were turned over to the Royal Gendarmerie for the standard administrative procedures.

The Royal Moroccan Navy and coastal surveillance units had rescued, last week on November 23, 115 kilometers southwest of Laayoune, approximately 15 kilometers off the coast, an inflatable boat carrying 76 sub-Saharan migrants, including 15 women and three minors.

According to military sources, the rescued people, who were headed for the Canary Islands, received the necessary first aid on board before being safely transported to the port of Laayoune, where they were turned over to the Royal Gendarmerie for the standard administrative procedures.

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