Spanish Official: Morocco, Spain Share “Same Vision” on Issues of Common Interest

Director General for the Maghreb, Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alberto José Ucelay Urech, stated, on July 5, in Madrid, that Morocco and Spain share a “similar vision” on all international and regional issues of common interest. 

During a presentation at Casa Arabe of the Morocco Chair at Salamanca University, Ucelay affirmed that Spain “has a lot in common with Morocco, as we share a common vision on issues touching on  our peoples, our region, and our European, Mediterranean, and Atlantic vicinity.”

“Morocco and Spain share several common interests in the economic and human fields,” added the Spanish official, noting that the two countries, which share a “thousand-year-old history, have embarked on the right track” to strengthen their bilateral relations in all fields.

In this regard, Ucelay indicated that the Chair at the University of Salamanca would undoubtedly contribute to a “better appreciation of common heritage and shed light on the path to follow” to give new impetus to bilateral ties linking Morocco and Spain.

“An event like the present one is the ultimate demonstration and reaffirmation of our heritage through culture and knowledge, which will enable us to deepen our shared reality,” stressed Ucelay, underlining that “Spain is investing enormous efforts to showcase its shared heritage with Morocco, and present it to humanity as a grand promise for the future.”

The Morocco Chair at the University of Salamanca, the first of its kind in Spain, will be dedicated to the study, analysis, and debate of Morocco-Spain relations, as two countries united by historical, human, cultural, and civilizational roots.

Through studies, seminars, congresses, and conferences, the Morocco Chair will emphasize the Kingdom’s ancestral and historical wealth as an Arab-Muslim and African civilization and the Kingdom’s ongoing development under the Wise Leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

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