UK Ambassador to Morocco: Morocco-UK Relations Are Witnessing Extraordinary Development

The United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Morocco, Simon Martin, affirmed that relations between Morocco and the UK have undergone “extraordinary development” in recent years, stressing that this positive trend must be maintained in the future.

In a statement to Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) on the sidelines of the 100th celebration of the British Chamber of Commerce in Morocco (BritCham), Martin stated that the “historic” ties between the two Kingdoms have witnessed an “extraordinary development in recent years in terms of trade and the number of visitors from both sides, as well as in terms of education, energy, and culture.”

The British diplomat also emphasized the importance of “maintaining this highly positive trend in the future”, thanks to the “firm commitment of our governments to further developing these relations.”

The centenary celebration of the British Chamber of Commerce (BritCham) in Morocco was attended by hundreds of guests, including investors from both countries, and was marked by a fund-raising event launched by the British Moroccan Society for the victims of Al Haouz earthquake.

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