World Bank: Inability of 1.6 Billion People to Access Drinking Water by 2030

The World Bank (WB) warned that by 2030, approximately 1.6 billion people will remain without access to safe drinking water, 2.8 billion people will not have access to safe sanitation, and 1.9 billion people will still lack hand hygiene facilities.

According to the same source, excess water, lack of water, and pollution are triple threats aggravated by climate change, depriving billions of people of reliable access to drinking water and sanitation, which is a threat that jeopardizes economies, fuels migration, and triggers conflict. 

The World Bank (WB) called for global action to achieve water security that goes hand in hand with green, resilient, and inclusive growth and overcome the interdependence of water, climate, and conflict issues. 

Improved water management requires the four “i”s, i.e., investment, innovation, information, and institutions.

The banking institution explained that to satisfy demand, the water sector needs a massive increase in public and private investment, while innovation can increase efficiency, lower costs, and reduce waste. 

The Bretton Woods institution called on relevant actors to invest and act, both at the public and private sector levels, with a focus on countries and regions that are far from achieving the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), noting that these efforts will pay off, as every dollar invested in resilience reaps four dollars ($4) thanks to savings on health expenditure and increased productivity, resulting in a better quality of life and more job prospects, particularly for women and youth.

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