Moroccan Royal Navy Rescues 190 Potential Illegal Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa

Royal Navy and coastal surveillance units rescued, on August 22 in the Kingdom’s Southern territorial waters between Tan Tan and Dakhla, several makeshift boats carrying on board 190 potential irregular migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, including 11 women. 

According to military sources, the rescued people received the necessary first aid on board, before being safely transported to the nearest national ports, where they were turned over to the Royal Gendarmerie for the standard administrative procedures.

A Royal Navy unit operating off the coast of Tan-Tan rescued, on August 8, 56 potential irregular migrants from sub-Saharan Africa sailing on a makeshift boat.

It should be recalled that Morocco’s Permanent Representative in Geneva, Ambassador Omar Zniber, emphasized, on June 27, that Morocco contributes to building a more inclusive and equitable global community concerning migration thanks to the exchange of expertise and the development of practical solutions.

Intervening at the 32nd session of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Zniber stated that Morocco is a major supporter of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, which is coordinated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), noting that through its 23 objectives, the Compact guarantees the migrants’ dignity, respect, and integration.

The Moroccan ambassador also pointed out that Morocco has decided in February to contribute to the Multi-Partner Migration Fund (MPTF) of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), adding that this initiative aims to convey a strong political message based on cooperation and successful multilateralism, in full alignment with the intent and content of the Marrakech Pact.

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