Religious Dignitaries Praise HM King Mohammed VI’s Message to Participants in “Sharia-related Fatwa Rules in African Context” Symposium

African and European religious dignitaries hailed the content of the message addressed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, to participants in the international symposium on the “Sharia-related Fatwa Rules in the African Context,” held between July 8 and 10 in Marrakech.

On this occasion, the Head of the section of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema in Congo, Sheikh Abdullah Mangala, underlined, in a statement to the press, on the sidelines of this three-day symposium, that the Royal Message reflects “the Far-sighted Leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, on the African continent.”

Mangala recalled that His Majesty the King called on ulemas to exert a positive influence on people by highlighting the virtues of moderation and balance and opposing obscurantists and extremists, adding that the Sovereign stressed the need for qualified and well-trained ulemas to be the ones entrusted with the mission of guiding Muslims in Africa, so as not to fall foul of the practices of the Elders.

Referring to the institutionalization of Fatwa practice in Morocco, the Congolese dignitary emphasized that this approach reflects a model for achieving peace, coexistence, and development in African countries.

The Congolese dignitary praised the “unprecedented” initiative of holding this symposium at the African level, stressing the importance of drawing inspiration from the Moroccan model for organizing the field of fatwa in their respective countries, both for the continent’s ulemas and for the members of Mohammed VI Foundation for African Oulema.

For his part, the Imam of the Danish Islamic Center, Abdul Wahid Reino Arild Pedersen, emphasized the importance of His Majesty the King’s call to the ulemas to introduce people to the virtues of moderation and balance, considering this message as one of capital importance at this particular time. 

Arild Pedersen also praised Morocco’s religious leadership in Africa, highlighting the Kingdom’s key role in European-African relations.

Organized by Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema, the symposium brings together over 350 ulemas, men and women, representing Fatwa institutions and Higher Islamic Councils from 72 African, Asian, European, and South American countries.

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