Upper House Speaker Holds Talks with Panama’s Ambassador to Morocco

The Speaker of the House of Councillors, Enaam Mayara, held talks on November 14 in Rabat with the Panamanian Ambassador to Morocco, Tomás Antonio Guardia.

During this meeting, Antonio Guardia commended Morocco’s interest in developing relations with Panama, praising the Kingdom’s level of development and the projects launched over the past two decades under the Leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

According to a press release by the House of Councilors, the Panamanian ambassador emphasized the role of parliamentary diplomacy in bringing the two countries closer, particularly following Mayara’s visits to Panama in February 2022 and May 2023, which featured fruitful discussions with the Panamanian government and parliamentary officials.

The press release also stated that the Panamanian diplomat called for this momentum to be invested in further developing relations between the two friendly countries.

For his part, Mayara commended the excellent political relations uniting Morocco and Panama, expressing the Kingdom’s commitment to strengthening cooperation and addressing any constraints that might hinder the development of relations between the two countries.

The Moroccan official also stated that relations between Morocco and Panama are part of the Kingdom’s commitment to South-South cooperation, recalling, in this regard, the Royal Speech on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Glorious Green March, in which the Sovereign stated that Morocco’s Atlantic coastline offers it full access to Africa and opens a gateway to the Americas.

Mayara also stressed the active presence of the Moroccan parliament, in its capacity as a genuine partner, in several parliamentary groupings of Latin America and the Caribbean, expressing the House of Councilors’ commitment to playing a key role in bringing these two geographical areas closer.

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