Moroccan Sahara: Serbia Reaffirms Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity 

Serbia reiterated, on June 26, its support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and “firm position against secessionism…

Moroccan Sahara: Chile Reiterates Unwavering Support for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan

Chairman of the Chilean Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Francisco Chahuán, reaffirmed Chile’s “unwavering” support for the…

Pedro Sanchez: Spain’s Relations with Morocco, Strategic at All Levels

Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, described his country’s relations with Morocco as “strategic,” assuring that bilateral…

Moroccan Sahara: Switzerland Praises Morocco’s Autonomy Plan

Switzerland highlighted the importance of Morocco’s serious and credible efforts to reach a political and compromising…

AU PSC: Morocco’s Permanent Representative Highlights Morocco’s Key Role in Maintaining Peace, under Wise Leadership of HM King Mohammed VI

Morocco’s permanent representative to the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa…

HoG Aziz Akhannouch Holds Talks with Dutch Counterpart

Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, held talks on June 21, in Rabat, with Netherlands’ Prime Minister,…

Moroccan Sahara: Liberia Reiterates Unwavering Support for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan, Most Credible Solution

Liberia reaffirmed, in New York, its “unwavering support” for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan for the Sahara, describing…

Albares: Morocco, Top Priority of Spanish Foreign Policies

Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, stated, on June 20…

Geneva: Support Group for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity Calls for Cooperation with OHCHR to Avoid Instrumentalization

The support group for Morocco’s territorial integrity underlined that the interaction of Member States with the…

Romano Prodi: Morocco Should Be at Forefront of European Policy for Mediterranean

Former President of the Italian Council of Ministers and former President of the European Commission, Romano…

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